Monday 7 October 2013

First Craft Fair!

I have actually booked myself a stall at my first ever craft fair!
I have been putting it off for a while. I wasn't sure I would have enough time to make anything, or if people would actually end up buying anything. But I decided to stop making excuses and just do it, or I would just talk myself out of it.

The one I am going to is called Blue String and seems kind of a mixture of handmade and vintage stuff. I have never been before, but it looks really nice and I think it is quite new. It's at St James Church in Sutton Coldfield and is on the 24th of November.

The thing is now, what the hell am I gonna make? And also how am I going to be ready in time for the end of November?! I had better get crafting! I am always making something, but this has got to be stuff people will actually want to buy!

I have a couple of things in mind, some cute bags and purses and then a few Christmassy things as well. I have been trawling through Pinterest every chance I can get, trying to get some inspiration on stall displays. Here are some of my favourites on my Pinterest.

So now I have actually got to make the stuff.
I went to buy some materials last weekend and had a lovely time wandering around Birmingham's Rag Market and picked up some amazing fabrics and bits and pieces. You can expect to see some pics soon.

I'm really excited about this, but have no ideas yet about pricing, display or amounts of stock to bring! I am going to be searching so many blogs for tips these next few weeks! If anyone has any hints, or knows any good websites let me know!

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